Gail Kasper

Gail Kasper

Author, TV Host, two-time Tedx speaker - gail kasper television llc
From humbling beginnings to working with Top 100 and multi-billion dollar companies, Gail Kasper’s systems have reached millions of people whether through a speaking event or a national television appearance. Gail is an author, television host, producer, Ms. Continental America 2008, and creator of SAD-T™ (Systematic Attitude Development-Technique™), a technique she utilized to get logical and take steps in her life, after years of being immobilized. Appearing in LA Weekly as a “Top 20 Female Entrepreneur to Follow in 2023,” Gail is also a contributing writer to Gail is the author of the self-help parable Unstoppable: 6 Easy Steps To Find And Achieve Your FIRE, a book that teaches others how to implement Gail’s life-changing Systematic Attitude Development-Technique™ (SAD-T™); Sell Like A Cockatoo: How to Master the New Way of Selling in a Rapidly Changing World; multiple audiobooks available on Apple Books; and the children's book series Apollo and Winslow. With national media appearances that include Inside Edition, The Today Show, FOX Business News, and Oprah and Friends, Gail has earned the ranking of an in-demand media personality who has been the topic on Regis and Kelly.

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