Niching Down to Specialise and Personalise

Jamie Marshall, co-founder of managed IT services company Everon, shares his journey to focus on regulated industries and build authentic connections.

From Jack of All Trades to Niche Provider
Initially, Everon operated as a generalist provider - willing to tackle any IT project that aligned with a client’s needs. However, Marshall realised the firm was spreading itself too thin. “We were kind of a jack of all trades and a master of none,” he recalls.

Through researching their market, the Everon team identified regulated industries as an ideal niche. These sectors like financial, legal, and non-profit face tight governance and frequent change mandates - lending itself to ongoing IT spending. Already serving many legal customers, Everon leaned into this vertical expertise.

Marshall explains that while they don’t turn away seemingly good fits, active business development now focuses on regulated firms. Specialisation enables Everon to better understand client needs and priorities.

Educate, Don’t Just Sell
Everon aims to educate over promote. Marshall notes, “Our ethos has been transparent and open and kind of working with someone to achieve a set goal.” For example, Everon built energy cost calculators demonstrating potential savings from IT upgrades. “There's no kind of sales pitch around it,” Marshall emphasises.

This informative approach fits Everon’s consultative culture far better than using fear or pressure tactics. Marshall believes that if provided useful insights, the majority of prospects either realise they need support for implementation or at minimum remember Everon later when needs arise.

Automate and Personalise
Driving this educational outreach, Everon blends automation and personalisation. They amplify online content through marketing automation tools like Force24. However, once sales conversations commence, relationship-building takes priority.

Marshall himself actively networks online and off to extend Everon’s personal touch. “It’s about me understanding and developing relationships with prospects,” he notes. To accelerate familiarity, Marshall innovates creative ways to demonstrate genuine interest and care for potential clients' needs.

Standout Strategies

1. Nail Your Niche

Home in on an industry sector facing frequent change mandates and tailor services expressly to address their pain points.

2. Become an Insight Provider

Position your brand as an educator sharing relevant information rather than a sales-focused promoter.

3. Automate and Customise

Blend automation for efficient outreach with personalised relationship-building when opportunities arise.

4. Get Remarkably Creative

Craft imaginative ways to convey understanding of a prospect’s specific context and interests.

Specialisation enables sharper understanding of client priorities in Everon’s regulated industry niche. Jamie Marshall stays dedicated to transparent education over pushy sales. He also automates marketing for volume while personally customising relationship-building. With creative flair, Marshall sustains authentic connection - conveying care for the unique needs of each prospect.

Jamie Marshall
Jamie Marshall