Joakim (Joe) Schultz

Joakim (Joe) Schultz

SVP of Global Sales - Adplorer

Franchisors and multi-market companies face the challenge of decentralization of social media campaigns whilst retaining control over brand identity. Adplorer provides an all in one solution for local, digital advertising campaigns across Google, YouTube, Bing, Facebook, Instagram and more. Joe Shultz explains how Adplore tackles this, and how he is getting sales leads using trade associations, Linkedin, and events.

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October 07, 202100:18:4412.91 MB

How Collective Intelligence Marketing can help franchisors run effective franchise advertising.

Franchisors and multi-market companies face the challenge of decentralization of social media campaigns whilst retaining control over brand identity. Adplorer provides an all in one solution for local, digital advertising campaigns across Google, YouTube, Bing, Facebook, Instagram and more. Joe Shu...

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